Originally Posted by Frownland
It's a text-based forum dude, people are 95% more likely (source: Gallup) to see your point if you write it out instead of just plopping down a video.
Oh and I am aware that conservative=/=libertarian, you just happen to be both.
Yeah I agree with this. Plus we're all lazy and really, in your heart, you know nobody is watching an hour-long video unless there are car crashes, tits or hilarious accidents in it.
Originally Posted by bulbasaur
hey trollheart can you make a thread that's just people requesting/fulfilling requests for cliff notes on lengthy vids posted
Originally Posted by Frownland
Think again, Leprauachaun is 90 minutes, Babadook is 94 minutes long. The latter is clearly bigger.
Of course: Leprechauns are small. Come over to Ireland and see them in their natural habitat: the pub.
Originally Posted by Mord
It shouldn't be public.
It should be pubic.