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Old 10-10-2017, 02:40 PM   #470 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Remember Me: Essential, Vol 1
Artist: Ru Paul
Genre: R&B/Dance/Pop/Some damn thing or other...
Nationality: American
Release date: February 3
Position in Discography: Twelfth; fifth compilation
Fear Factor: High, almost Critical
Familiar with this artist? I know him but not his music
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 2.69
What is it? Have I not been sacrificing to the right gods, or something? It's that crack about Satan at the end of the last review isn't it? Well I understand but this is harsh: having just finished (or at least, struggled halfway through) a really boring mix of country and gospel music, I'm faced with this. AND it's ****ing available!! For those who don't know, and care, Ru Paul is an American drag queen. Which leads me to wonder at the need for this, or any other album of his. I mean, if he's a good singer, why not release the album under his real identity? What advantage does it give him to sing these songs dressed as a woman? I mean, I've nothing against drag queens, crossdressers, transexuals, people who identify as sweeping brushes or walls, or aliens, but do they have to release albums? And if they do have to, can't they release better ones than this? Apparently this is a collection of his greatest hits. Well I didn't even know he sang. Well it seems he has an extensive discography. Fair play to him I guess.

“Back To My Roots” features a performer called Skeletal Ki. Hmm. Surely not? Basically this is a collection of substandard disco/dance songs that don't allow Paul to stand out as anything special, though maybe his voice is good. Hard to say, with all the guest performers though. Not my (hand)bag, love. Yeah, this is ****. ****, as they say, this.

Check out more from this artist?No ****ing way
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? No

Expectation Index: 0
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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