^ Yep, the whole stunt was a disgraceful waste of taxpayers' money, prob to deflect people's attention from what's really being worked out by the Trump admin, e.g. the surreptitious sabotaging of Obamacare, the review of gerrymandering, the absense of any plan apart from bluster regarding NKorea, etc.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
Whenever I hear the word gerrymander I always imagine a salamander called Gerry. 
Oddly enough, that's exactly where the word comes from; Gerry Whoknows, an American polititian, carved out a constituency the shape of a salamander to maximise the effect of his supporters.
Yes, what with Jerries=Huns, jerry-building, gerrymandering and jerry-rigging, people called Jerry probably feel unfairly put upon. For different reasons, people called "Willie,""Dick" or "Fanny" might feel aggrieved too.