Album title: Rookie
Artist: Red Velvet
Genre: K-Pop/R&B/Funk
Nationality: Korean
Release date: February 1
Position in Discography: Fourth
Fear Factor: Low
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Slowly getting moreso
Average RYM Score: 2.83
So on we go to February, and we're right back in the land of teenage girls, sparkly costumes and inappropriately sexy dancing: that's right. K-pop is back and we're among the girls. An EP to start us off easily, and though K-pop is not something I'd actively listen to, it's hard not to like these girls. There's just so much energy and enthusiasm in the music, and overall it comes across as friendly and happy. Last track sounds like it belongs on an eighties Whitney Houston album or something though; kind of out of keeping with the rest of the album. EP, I mean. Whatever.
Check out more from this artist? If it comes up in the list later, otherwise I've no particular wish to but I wouldn't be averse either
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? I have no doubt I will
Expectation Index: 0