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Old 10-06-2017, 09:32 AM   #376 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Melanfonie
Artist: Emika
Genre: Contemporary Classical
Nationality: English/Czech
Release date: January 30
Position in Discography: Sixth
Fear Factor: Very Low
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A little
Average RYM Score: 2.79
I hope I have little to fear from classical music, and as this album begins that would appear to be the case. Reminds me a little of Grieg; very slow, stately, almost funereal, but then considering it's called “Grief (Prelude)” that's not surprising. She sings, which is interesting, as I assumed this would be instrumental, being classical. Nice voice. This piece reminds me of the opening theme to the movie Interview With the Vampire. Very emotional, this, beautiful; great start, and the lamenting, dark theme flows on into “The Miracle”, though there's a vein of much more energy running through this. Still powerful and compelling. The album is recorded with the help of the Prague Metropolitan Orchestra, so there's a really full and solid feel to most of it. “Letting Go” has a very magical, almost Danny Elfmanesque tone, while the bassoons (?) in “Love” are really dark and sombre, lending the whole thing a very heavy feel. It's a really good album, but I am put off by her soprano singing, which I've never liked. Well worth a listen though.

Note: Oh, I see it's not her singing, but a soprano called Michaela Srumova. That makes a difference then. Generally I feel this would work better as instrumental album; personally the singing brings it down for me.

Check out more from this artist? Yes
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

Expectation Index: 1
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