Album title: A Girl, A Bottle, a Boat
Artist: Train
Genre: Pop
Nationality: American
Release date: January 27
Position in Discography: Tenth
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? I've heard two albums
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Not really
Average RYM Score: 1.45
As I say, I've heard two Train albums. Neither particularly impressed me. They weren't the worst thing I've ever heard, but neither did they induce me to check out any more of their work. “Drink Up” should be a rabble-rousing song about getting wasted, but it comes across more as if they're talking about drinking lemonade rather than say whisky. Kids acting as adults? Definitely the vibe I get from this song, and once again, it's not a good start. Could we be going for four bailouts in a row? I guess it's inoffensive enough, but is there any substance there at all? Anything to hang my hat on, did I own a hat? Well there's kind of a nice melody to “Lottery”, but it's pretty vapid stuff, like most of this so far, and probably will continue to be so. And it does. And now they're trying to be a hip-hop band because, you know, that's what the kids are into. Apparently. Jesus. I'm gong to assume the song “Loverman” near the end is not a cover of the visceral Nick Cave number.

Lord! Now they're in the fifties for a “Stand By Me” style song they call “Valentine”! Covering all the bases here, guys! ****'s sake! I swear, I'm only not bailing cos I want this pattern to end, and I expect I'll be hopping out real quick on the next album up, but it's a struggle I can tell you.
There's a song playing now called “What Good is Saturday”. Replace Saturday with Train and there you go. Man this is boring and so very very generic. Yawn with a capital Y. These guys could replace Coldplay as the new corporate pop band everyone hates. There's just not an ounce of passion in this album. Every song could be sung by kids skipping rope. ****. “Loverman” is so bland is almost ... does whatever bland things do. I didn't think that one through very well, did I? Maybe my brain is turning to mush listening to this. Oh ****, now we have a rip off of the melody to “Human Nature” by Michael Jackson at the end. **** this crap. Final track is actually a decent ballad called “You Better Believe”. I don't. But at least it's over. #NeverForget #NeverForgive.
Check out more from this artist? Never in this life
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? I'd rather not
Expectation Index: 10