Originally Posted by Qwertyy
tbh that does sound like a ****ing awesome toilet.
Reminds me of a joke.
This dude got to fly in premium deluxe first class one time and was amazed to see that they had both male and female toilets, instead of the normal unisex ones in coach.
He's got to take a dump real bad and notices a couple of guys waiting for the men's one but the women's one is vacant. So he quietly slips inside and locks the door.
After he's done he notices a series of buttons on the wall next to the commode. Curious, he pushes the one labeled WW.
A sudden mist of warm water rinses his butt. Nice! He then pushes the one labeled ST.
A soft tissue gently dries his rear end. Cool! He then pushes the one labeled PP.
A soft cotton puff proceeds to powders his ass. Sweet! Finally he pushes the one labeled ATR.
BAM!!!!! Everthing goes black. Hours later he wakes up in a hospital bed with a nurse standing by his side. She asks how he's feeling and then tells him they tried everything possible but were unsuccessful, and that they'd already set up counselling for when he was back on his feet.
Confused, he asks her what happened. She leans down and whispers in his ear.......
"That last button was the Automatic Tampon Remover."