Album title: Nothing Feels Natural
Artist: Priests
Genre: Punk Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: January 27
Position in Discography: Debut
Fear Factor: High
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Average RYM Score: 3.28
Come on: if I can get into a hardcore punk record like Frank and the Rattlesnakes, then maybe there's not too much to fear from these guys? Am I becoming overconfident, having a jazz and a hip-hop album I love under my belt in the same day? Probably. But it doesn't punch me in the face with killer guitar licks from the off, so maybe there is hope. Can't say I'm enamoured of the female singer's voice though: quite, what's the word? Shouty. Yeah. Quite shouty. This opening track is too long for what's in it. Not a good start. BUMP! What was that? Oh, just the sound of me being brought back to Earth with a bang. I think I may hate this. Normal service has been resumed.

Second song has a bit more of the rockabilly in it, not too bad, but her voice is always going to remain a sticking point with me. Can't stand it. Musically though, this is a quantum leap from the opener. Yeah, I'm prepared to give punk a chance, but this is ****ing awful. Let me out of here!
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Expectation Index: 0