Album title: Culture
Artist: Migos
Genre: Hip-Hop
Nationality: American
Release date: January 27
Position in Discography: Second
Fear Factor: Critical
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Average RYM Score: 3.01
I'm not a fan of being shouted at as an album begins, but we'll see how this goes. First track is not bad; catchy anyway and kind of fun. Yeah this is okay so far. Melodies are catchy and it's kind of low-key. It's odd; I can't pick out anything I really loved but certainly nothing I hated, and I have no impulse to end it or wish it would end. Quite surprised, as with the previous album, with my reaction to this. Just in case anyone missed it:
I did not hate it!
Check out more from this artist? Maybe
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? I'll be trying
Expectation Index: 9