Album title: I Hope You Don't Mind Me Writing
Artist: Lucy Spraggan
Genre: Pop
Nationality: English
Release date: January 27
Position in Discography: Fourth
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? A little
Average RYM Score: 3.50
Did I hear somebody ordering a burger or something at the end of “Loaded Gun”? **** that. It's not though, so far, the empty kind of pop pap I hate, but I haven't decided if there's any real substance to this just yet. I think there may be. “Grown up” and “I Don't Live There Anymore” are quite impressive and certainly lift this out of the range of banal pop. In fact, if anything this comes closer maybe to folk music. Then she goes into a rap for two songs, one accompanied by piano, and damn but they're both quite good. It seems very honest and sincere, all these recollections of her youth. I suppose it could be all affected, but it doesn't feel that way. Yeah, this is most definitely not what I'd call pop. Far deeper. Good writer. Very good album. I'm impressed.
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Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes
Expectation Index: 8