Originally Posted by MicShazam
I had to look up what a bluebottle was. I'm pretty sure common house flies around here look exactly the same, but without the blue tint.
For some reason, I like regular flies as long as there's only one. Just like bumblebees, they're sort of cute.
Sometimes, I'll let one of those regular flies walk around on my hand and play with it, making it walk from finger to finger. Their buzzing reminds me of good old times at my grandparents farm when they were still alive.
Are you ****ing crazy? Those things walk in ****, carry disease, regurgitate .... urgh! And bluebottles are larger, louder and ****ing twice as annoying as flies, most of which are relatively small. I'm shuddering thinking of you letting one walk along your .... urrrrgggghhhh! Gonna be sick.