Originally Posted by Man like Monkey
Yeahhhh didn't we do this already? Batty posted a picture of her and we had the same discussion? Or is this another one? Another medical student? Surely not.
Originally Posted by Frownland
Uh, nah. Not remotely.
EDIT: Nevermind, I misread. I could see a prettied up rich white boy getting a pass to preserve their future a la the Stanford rape case though.
Originally Posted by elphenor
lol not "if she was black" or "if she was poor"
"If she was a man"
keep fighting the good fight
He's right though.
Originally Posted by Qwertyy
that's good cause otherwise you'd be on the wrong thread
Good one, Qwert!
Originally Posted by Frownland
You respec the flag!

That is ****ing hilarious! Do you know, here in Ireland it's an offence to walk on the flag? Seriously: someone on The Apprentice (Irish version) made a floor with a mural of the flag on it and the guy in charge said "You can't have people walking on the flag!"