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Old 09-25-2017, 03:50 AM   #6761 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Aalborg
Posts: 7,634

1. What's your favorite animal (pet or otherwise)?

Never had a pet, but many animals are quite cool. Armadillo's are the coolest, of course.

2. Of preference, shower or bath?

Only ever use shower. I don't even have a tub.

3. What's the first TV show you really started to follow religiously?

Probably that British sci-fi comedy show, Red Dwarf.

4. What operating system does your computer use, and is there a reason for that?

Windows 7. No reason to install a newer one since it will probably break some things that work fine now.

5. Name one good deed (big or small) that you performed in the last year

Some girl's bicycle chain jumped off and got stuck when the stop light went to green. I used my keys to break it loose again and put it back on.

6. What is one piece of technology you cannot now see yourself ever living without?

I use my laptop for several of my hobbies.
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