1. What's your favourite animal (pet or otherwise)?
Dog, they are my spirit animal
2. Of preference, shower or bath?
Shower by far. I can't even remember the last time I had an actual bath.
3. What's the first TV show you really started to follow religiously?
Probably The Simpsons because it was something my dad would tape, and bring the tapes to work so I could watch them after school while I was waiting for him to get off work. I'm pretty sure most of the episodes were from season's 2-5
4. What operating system does your computer use, and is there a reason for that?
Windows 10... it was a free upgrade and I like to be on the cutting edge.
5. Name one good deed (big or small) that you performed in the last year
I picked up a friend from the airport on Thursday... although I really only did it because I wanted to borrow their CostCo card so I could get cheaper gas.
6. What is one piece of technology you cannot now see yourself ever living without?