Album title: New World Alphabet
Artist: USS: Ubiquitous Synergy System
Genre: Alt-Rock/Electronic/Drum'n'Bass
Nationality: Canadian
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Second
Fear Factor: Low
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Says alt-rock but sounds almost hip-hop when it starts; might be Autotune at work here, not too sure. Nice powerful beat anyway. Pretty elaborate name for a band: no wonder they use the acronym, though in fairness it makes them sound like a navy destroyer or something out of Star Trek!

Yeah but it's annoying how they seem to be trying to be a hip-hop band without actually, you know, playing hip-hop. It's not until “California Medication” that they settle down and start playing what I'd consider proper rock, or maybe pop/rock, but without the yo yo and the scratching and heavier beats endemic to a lot of hip-hop (he said, as if he knew anything about it, but listen to the first three tracks and see if you don't agree that they're trying their best to be a hip-hop band) and “Alien” is pretty good too. Maybe they've stopped ****ing around now. Kind of a little more in the poppy electronic idea for the next track, but I'm still growing to like this album a lot more since the first three tracks. The score may be higher than I had originally intended or anticipated.
Ah, sigh: back we go to the rap and pseudo-hip-hop, though not fully to be fair. Pity they hadn't just given that up as a bad job, now I have to re-readjust my rating. God damn it. This is one very confusing album to rate. There, that'll do.
Expectation Index: 1