Originally Posted by Mord
This is Jace. He's stranded on a beach on the plane of Ixalan. Jace is a planeswalker, which means he has a spark within him that allows him to jump from plane to plane at will. Before this scene you're looking at, he was with his fellow planeswalkers on a plane called Amonkhet. There they were trying to save the plane from the machinations of a big bad evil dragon planeswalker called Nicol Bolas. They thought they could take him. They thought they were tough. After all, they'd saved every other plane. They were like the Justic League of the Magic the Gathering universe.
But Nicol Bolas single-handedly bested them all, turning their own powers against them. Jace is a mind mage, so Bolas turned his own mind against him. Jace went mad and in his madness planeswalked blind. He could've gone anywhere. But he went to Ixalan, the one plane where planewalkers cannot jump out of.
So here he is, alone, mad, trapped. This is where the Magic the Gathering meta-story now stands.
By the way, this art, done by Chris Rahn, is an homage to Howard Pyle's piece, "Marooned".

Last set I really played was Battle for Zendikar. Played way back in Mercadian Masques, left around Onslaught (I think), came back from Theros until Kaladesh (hated the vehicles, when will WoTC learn that artifact sets are broken?).
Got on MtGO for the first time in forever this past weekend. Struck out on my first two drafts, but then cobbled together a couple 3-0's. Really digging the Exhume mechanic.
Not sure how I feel about the new set. It's tough to make time for FNM, but I still love the game. But yay other Magic players!