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Old 02-13-2006, 04:04 PM   #58 (permalink)
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I'm just going to make a quick post explaining the technical aspects of both sports. The reason jumping ability in ski jumping isn't accurately measure by distance is because it takes very little skill to be able to go further, when compared to the skill it takes to smoothly maneuver through a trick in the air, keeping on track with the landing, and land it perfectly. The marks for style and distance that you saw was airial jumping, completely different sport. Most olympics airial jumpers are simply gymnasts who've learned how to land on skis. Take them to a real hill and they couldn't link two turns together. that doesn't go for all of them, obviously, but it does for the majority of them. Now, they are great jumpers for sure, but it has nothing to do with skiing, which is why it is not an accurate measure of skill for ski jumping. As for the judging aspects, yes, olympic judges are corrupt, superficial, and often way off the mark, and more than often unfair because they are catering to their own agendas. that's OLYMPIC JUDGES. they are picked by the countrie's olympic comittee. the judging from the X Games is the exact opposite. I said this before, but you conveniently failed to notice it, so I'll quote from my previous post:

The X-games are the complete opposite of the olympics in terms of judging. of course, if you'd spent any time talking to ANYONE who's involved ina sport featured in the x-games, you would have an idea of this. The judges of the x-games are ALL former or current athelets. they LIVE for the sport. Judges at an olympic event are looking out for their country, primarily, because they're picked by their country's olympic comittee.
X Games judges are not biased for their country, and it is painfully easy to see that they actually know how to recognize technical ability, if you know the sport, and if you've spent years and years skiing, watching skiing, filming skiing, and talking about skiing. It may not be easy for YOU to see this, but as I pointed out, that is due to the fact that you have very little knowledge about the technical aspects of it.

As for this statement:

Fourteen year old kid comes from "nowhere" to win silver medal. Ends up with masses of sponsorship and publicity. Your own example, pretty much reeking of the most obvious forms of marketing and money playing a simple, easily managed role in all forms of judged sport. But of course, that couldn't happen in the X-games...

Newsflash, sport, especially any judged by a panel, is a heaving mess of corruption and lies and deceit. Disbelieve it if you want to, it isn't my problem.
Once again, you make a snap judgement of the sport with no knowledge to back it up. It is literally impossible for a judging comittee to create hype over one athelete so that corporations can profit off of his "unexpected sucess" to earn money, and here's why:

because freeskiing started as such an off the radar sport, the community itself is incredibly tight knit. You can't compare any other olympic sport to freeskiing right now, because all have become too comercialized, too corporate driven, and too controlled by judging comittees not in tune to what's actually going on in the sport. Because of this, the major companies marketed towards freeskiers are althete driven, many were stareted by atheletes themselves. The main source of information regarding upcoming talents is the internet, namely, a website forum devoted to freeskiing, with over 40,000 members. Every competition in existence is talked about on these forums, no matter how big or small. Every single young, up-coming talent is mentioned somewhere. The US freeskiing Open is open to anyone who wishes to enter, and who has qualified through very small, very local competitions, designed to give anyone a chance to enter, because they require very, VERY low addmissions costs. Derek Spong really did come out of nowhere, and because of his skill and ability, was able to easily gain the success and rewards he deserved. this happens a lot in freeskiing, because there is no worldwide federation that regulates competitions. because of this, judges are not merely random people chosen by a certain country wanting only the people from their country to win. This is why the judging at freeskiing competitions IS ACURATE, and also why no freeskiing events are included in the olympics at this time.

I have proven every single point you made in your last post wrong. Now do you think you'd better educate yourself a little more before you try to make claims like this?
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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