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Old 09-18-2017, 09:54 AM   #115 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Gentlewoman, Ruby Man
Artist: Flo Morrissey and Matthew E. White
Genre: Indie Rock
Nationality: English/American
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: First collaboration
Fear Factor: Moderate
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Slightly
Check out more from this artist? No
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Yes

I'll be honest: when I saw the name I thought it was herself from Florence and the Machine, but no, it isn't. So I haven't heard anything from this duo before, either singly or, as here for the first time, collaborating together. This is, however, an album of covers, so while I don't know the first track, there are songs here that will be familiar to me, such as “Grease”, “Suzanne” and “Sunday Morning”, but before that we have music from artists such as Frank Ocean, James Blake and Roy Ayers, none of which I've heard. A decent collection of songs, and they're both good singers but nothing, initially anyway, to blow me away yet. Generally I'm not quite bored, but midly entertained. It's like watching a TV programme that you're not quite into but you kind of want to leave it on in case it gets better. Mind you, I have yet to get to the songs I know, so maybe that will change things. Not much of the “rock” about this indie rock so far though.

I'm not a fan of Grease, but hell at least it isn't “Summer Lovin'” or “You're the One That I Want”, so I guess thankful for small mercies. The song does seem a little out of place here though. Not a big Cohen fan, though I do know “Suzanne” vaguely, and I guess they do a good job. Same with VU's “Sunday Morning” - only a very passing association with Lou and the boys. Yeah, it's all right but I won't be racing to dip into the discography of either artist.

Expectation Index: 6
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018

Last edited by Trollheart; 09-21-2017 at 05:38 PM.
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