Album title: Only the Lonely
Artist: Colony House
Genre: Indie Rock
Nationality: American
Release date: January 13
Position in Discography: Second
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Odd name for a band. Well anyway, good start, knd of anthemic for the opener, good hook in the song. Yeah the second track does nothing for me: very sixties/Beatles/Beach Boys/insert band here. Meh. Now we're ripping off Queen's “We Will Rock You”. Sigh. Handclaps and all. Meh, it's not too bad a song once it gets going, just a pity they couldn't be a little more original with it. Yeah, this album seems to veer between decent indie rock songs and sub-surf-rock boppers which really annoy me. “You Know It” is another of the latter. These guys often remind me of Train. That surely ain't good. I think this is kind of a mess: in among the crud you can find a few good tracks but you really have to search, and with thirteen tracks that's not something I'm willing to do. Pass. Oh crap: Christian Pop next!