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Old 09-17-2017, 11:47 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Lisnaholic View Post
^ Hey, that's good, Trollheart, I must remember that. (Specially useful if you happen to be a coalminer on your day off. )

^ All very true, MicShazam, as corny things often are. That's how they get to be corny isn't it?

I'm sorry about your last sentence, but let's face it, the bolded bit probably applies to most people who post here regularly. Hang in there, and perhaps tomorrow you'll meet a rich doctor with a spare room in her penthouse just for you.
Yeah no girlfriend since 2011. I've got a few really good friends, but I usuall spend 5-6 days every week completely alone. At least I'm fairly good at being alone, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't wish I knew more people.

There's a woman down at the local super market that I really fancy, but no way am I going to ask her out. I'm way too scared of women. I'd rather fight a polar bear than risk rejection
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