Originally Posted by Trollheart
Or, as my old boss used to say, "Any day above ground is a good one."
^ Hey, that's good, Trollheart, I must remember that. (Specially useful if you happen to be a coalminer on your day off.

Originally Posted by MicShazam
It is thought provoking that you kind of have to look at societies that do fairly well as far as basics like food, clothing, housing goes to find people who are deeply dissatisfied with just being alive.
We're so comfortable and safe, we think ourselves towards unhappiness. The more I've learned to calm down my mind and stop worrying, the happier I've become.
It might sound corny to say that we should learn to appreciate the small things in life and that we should appreciate the here and now, but it's the best advice you could take to heart. At least as far as what I've learned over the years.
I've got shaky health, no money, a crummy apartment and a less than impressive social situation going on, but I'm ok 
^ All very true, MicShazam, as corny things often are. That's how they get to be corny isn't it?
I'm sorry about your last sentence, but let's face it, the bolded bit probably applies to most people who post here regularly. Hang in there, and perhaps tomorrow you'll meet a rich doctor with a spare room in her penthouse just for you.