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Old 02-13-2006, 03:04 PM   #56 (permalink)
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No, I mean proper ski jumping, ie, shoot off the end of a big ramp and FLY, none of this style and artistic merit nonsense.
yes, we started talking about "proper ski jumping" as you so inteligently put it. To which I then stated that distance ski jumping really required very little technical skill or air sense. I stated a more accurate measure of an atheletes technical ability of jumping would be seen in freeskiing, to which you replied with this:

From what I've seen of the X-games, which I am happy to admit isn't an amazing amount, they all have a go, and then whoever is the biggest, most famous name wins, regardless of the tricks they do, because judging panels, in every sport, are a horrific mess of bias and corruption.

Being able to fly on skis a long distance would surely represent the best ability to fly on skis, and ergo would be worthy of a medal, same way whoever jumps the furthest in the long jump gets the gold medal. No need for "artistic merit" at all.

I'm not denying the talents of the people involved, so there's no need to challenge me to try moguls or 360's or whatever, I appreciate you have a passion for this that I don't share, but that was a bit of a pointless thing to say. If I could mogul or whatever, then I'd be out there, no doubt getting screwed over by bad judging because I'm not from a fashionable winter sports country.
so you basically denounced the credibility of an entire sport because you were under the false assumption that the judging was unfair. THAT is why I replied the way i did, going into such detail about freeskiing, because YOU were the one who denounced the entire sport as a bullsh*t competition with no way of accurately judging an athelete's ability.

You are the reason that all of us in our "alternative" sports have such a so called "elitist" attitude. If you had any sort of knowledge about ANY aspect of skiing, be it racing, or "proper ski jumping", I would have taken your post more seriously, and attempted to have a discussion with you about it. however, you decided that you decide exactly what kind of event would measure a skier's ability, without any knowledge on the subject at all, and then have the nerve to call ME elitist? I can afford to act like I know all there is to know about the sport, because I do. If I couldn't back up that claim, I wouldn't be making posts like that. You on the other hand made an arrogant post about how unfair and unreliable ALL freestyle competitions are, based on an incredibly shallow and superficial view of skiing. So don't try and tell me that I took your post out of context to push my own agenda. You were the one who claimed to know something about freeskiing, you were the one who denounced the entire sport, and so naturally, I made sure you knew exactly how wrong you were.

Would you like a detailed account of every single technical aspect of Ski Jumping? Would you like to know exactly how an athlete is chosen to compete in the olympics? I'd be able to tell you that, and I'm sure it would give you a better understanding of how ski jumping is not by any standards the best measure of a skier's jumping ability.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

Your toughest competitor lives in your head. Some days his name is fear, or pain, or gravity. Stomp his ass.

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