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Old 02-13-2006, 02:49 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber
That comment right there lets me know that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You don't know ANYTHING about the technical ability to perform jumps. You're basing everything off what you've seen in olympic freestyle, and a few minutes of the X-games.
Considering I started by talking about SKI JUMPING I think this pretty much covers the inanity of your entire post. I do not care about this freestyle thing, I'd have thought that was quite obvious. I'll type it out again though, just for you to, maybe, just maybe this time, actually read the most important words there. SKI JUMPING Here's a picture of someone SKI JUMPING:

Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards. SKI JUMPING Not freestyle skiing. Not pulling a mad ollie from a fakie with double handgrip. JUMPING

Although the rest of your post pretty much sums up the elitism in every "alternative" sport that pretty much guarantees they'll remain that way. Next time you decide to rant on about something, at least have the good grace to not just use the other person's posts as a breather for you to compose another set of irrelevant points.
Franscar is metal. You are not.
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