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Old 09-11-2017, 05:38 PM   #68 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Album title: Nomad
Artist: Chasing Safety
Genre: Metalcore, Post-Hardcore
Nationality: American
Release date: January 5
Position in Discography: Second
Familiar with this artist? No
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Very little
Check out more from this artist? Meh, probably not
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Possible though not a priority at the moment

This could be a short one, even the first use of my “Oh Hell No!” clause. What little metalcore I've heard I have hated – and yes, that includes Jane ****ing Doe! Have heard very little Post-Hardcore, but again what I have experienced didn't impress me. Nothing I've yet heard from metalcore has appealed to me in any way, even during the three Metal Months I ran. Is this the one to change that? Highly unlikely.

Or is it? Hey. I don't hate this. Yet. The other metalcore I listened to I could make out nothing of vocals, and here, though this guy is roaring and screaming, I can sort of make out the words – and they use “clean” vocals on the chorus, at least on the first song. Perhaps there's hope. Meh, it's probably more Post-Hardcore than Metalcore. What do I know? Well, I do know I won't be switching this off at track one, which is more than I expected to be able to do. This isn't all that bad. I mean, it's probably not something I'd listen to again, as such, but I don't feel I'm going to have to stop the album before the end or anything. I'm not a fan of singers who scream, but there are enough clean vocals here for me to be able to enjoy this a little. Quite surprised really.

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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