Album title: Pink Season
Artist: Pink Guy
Genre: Comedy Hip-Hop (it says here)
Nationality: Japanese/Australian
Release date: January 4
Position in Discography: Second
Familiar with this artist? Barely; his debut was inflicted on me by some nasty soul for the “Love or Hate?” thread. Not surprisingly, it got a big fat HATE. I never managed to get through it. Doubt I will this time either. Get-out clause at the ready!
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Check out more from this artist? Not as long as there's life in my body
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Absolutely not.
It kind of doesn't help when there are like thirty-five tracks on an album, and considering I really don't want to listen to this in the first place, well, that's not making me feel any kinder towards it. Still, they are all short tracks, so maybe I'll make it through. Doubt it though. Well, apparently all he wants is to see a hot nickel ball on a pussy. Be my guest. Guess he's an animal lover huh? I like cats too.
Okay, well to nobody's surprise, I ain't sitting through 32 more tracks of this so for the first time it's

I got too many albums to listen to to be wasting my time with this crap.
(As I didn't finish the album I won't be rating it).