Album title: Angel's Knock
Artist: AOA (Angels of Ace)
Genre: K-pop
Release date: January 2
Position in Discography: Third
Familiar with this artist? Not at all
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? No
Check out more from this artist? Sure, why not?
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? I would not be averse
Not gonna lie: I think I'd much rather listen to some teen girls sing about Elvis, boys and butterflies than listen to Chief Keef one more second. Even if this is really bad, it can't be as bad as the one I just suffered through. Hell, I might even watch some videos of them: they gotta be hot, right? Shut up: I'm old and frustrated. Let me have my fun. And get off my lawn, while you're at it. Damn kids. Right then. Ah, supposedly this is all in Korean. Well, that's fine: my grasp of Korean is slightly worse than my command of Klingon. At least I won't have to talk about the lyrics, which may be a blessing.
Kicks off like a Kylie record, which is no bad thing. Bit odd: Wiki says this is their first Korean language album (what – were the other two in English?) but I can definitely detect smatterings of English in there. Most of it is pretty unintelligible though. Speaking of pretty, I'm spending much of this listen calling up images of these girls, which is no waste of my time, let me tell you! Music is decent enough so far, nothing groundbreaking, but then, you wouldn't expect that would you? But nothing that makes me want to cut my ears off with a blunt spoon. Yet. “Lily” changes things up, bringing in a kind of bluesy fifties ballad (although I could have sworn the opening line was
I want your willy!

) The album has a nice kind of mix of disco, girlband, bit of soul and a little blues. **** it, even the silly rap on “Help me” is cute, and the boogie strut on “Oh boy” is just cool. And a nice Eurovision style ballad to close.
Think I've found my new favourite genre of music. Well, maybe not. But I certainly wouldn't refuse to listen to more, as I'm sure I will be required to. Overall verdict: inoffensive, friendly, happy, pleasant music sung by girls who actually can sing. And look hawt. A good way to pass a nice half hour without too much mental exertion. Can't argue with that.