Album title: Two Zero One Seven
Artist: Chief Keef
Genre: Drill (huh? Oh, it's some derivative or subgenre of hip-hop apparently. Well that's a relief. Oh, wait...

Nationality: American
Release date: January 1
Position in Discography: Sixteenth mixtape
Familiar with this artist? Oh yeah, I know all his ....
Familiar with the genre or subgenre? Drill? Not one iota. Thought that was something for making holes in walls. Hip-hop? Laughably little.
Check out more from this artist? I'd rather not, but I see he released two more ****ing mixtapes this year, so I guess I'll have to. **** the little ****. Well, at least the next one wasn't released till June. Small mercies.
Check out more from this genre or subgenre? Of choice? No. No. No. No no no, as Janszoon would say.
So here's where the brown stuff starts to take flight, huh? I can hear Frownland choking on his own sense of self-satisfaction and laughing till tears stain his moustache at this. **** you Trollheart: I tried to warn you. You did, you did. **** me indeed. Anyone expect me to get through this? Anyone? Well, let's just say first of all with a name like Chief Keef I assumed (correctly) that we were dealing with someone whose real name is Keith, and that he was English (incorrect: American would you credit it?). You have to admire his sense of style when it comes to album, sorry mixtape titles though, don't you? Well, no, you really don't. But what I do have to do is give this some sort of lipservice and try not to just dismiss it out of hand. Save me, Mister Eno!
****, I see what Batty means about boring. This guy just doesn't seem to care. I can see him recording this whole thing with his hands in his pockets and a dead look in his eyes. I mean, I know ****-all about hip-hop, but isn't it supposed to be characterised by energy and honesty? Don't see any of this here. I'll give "Reefah" props for at least raising its head out of the general dross and making me listen, but the rest is really ****ing tedious. Shouldn't hip-hop make you angry, bob your head in agreement, metaphorically (or not) cock your Glock, or whatever? Yeah well this does not. The music is all slow, no power, no decent keyboard or piano like I've heard in some of the few hip-hop albums I've heard, no life in the lyric or rap or whatever you want to call it. Just doesn't seem to give a ****. Album should have been titled
Here's The Mixtape: Gimme My Money Bitch. Terrible.
Piano on "Knock it off" is okay, like the bells too. It's not an awful track. I'm noticing though that, at least on my Spotify copy, the volume comes and goes. Is that the case with mixtapes? It's like one track was recorded at one volume, then the next at a higher volume, the next lower, and so on. Disconcerting to say the least. Note: how the **** am I writing so much about this turd? Oh look: he just namechecked ISIS! Edgy!

Oh yeah, throw some autotune in there too, guy: that'll really get you on my good side. As if anything could. Oh wow! He woke up! He still sounds bored and/or stoned on "Check", but at least the music has a modicum (look it up) of energy and doesn't sound like a dirge (I said, look it up). Lyric's a bit repetitive, but then, silk purse sow's ear, eh? No! Leave that pig alone! I meant....
Interestingly (one of the few interesting things about this album but anyway) in "Trying not to swear" he uses the lyric
put me to sleep. Amen, bruh! If anyone cares, he fails. Not to swear that is. Anyone surprised? Anyone care? Moving on. Piano at the end of "Go" is nice, though it's only a few seconds really. He still sounds bored. Why does he make music if he's bored with it? This inconsistency with volume is pissing me off, as if everything else about this album (**** mixtape, I'm calling it an album. Or maybe a turd. Turdtape? Mixturd?) isn't doing that anyway. Jesus, when will this end????
Sigh. "Turbo" from "Stand down" for some reason continues into "Running late", which in addition to being late is ****ING REALLY ****ING LOW! I can hardly hear it! Wait: that's a blessing, right? Also in the blessing pile: this is the penultimate track, so nearly there. It sounds bad enough that I'm glad I can't hear it. AND the last one is only a minute and a half long, though that's about ninety seconds too long if you ask me. Appropriately enough, it's titled "Anything that gets you paid." Sure. Whatever you say. Any old ****e. I could have made a better hip-hop album than this. Probably.
Legal disclaimer: We wish to inform you that we hold in our possession an affidavit from Trollheart, stating categorically that he has no intention whatever of making a hip-hop album, or indeed any album, in the near future. There is no cause for alarm.