Originally Posted by Trollheart
Any thoughts on Handshakegate? I think Mourinho is an ignorant prick. No, he doesn't have to shake, but to be so blatant about it, shaking hands with virtually everyone else, making the point. Mind you, Hughes's face was a ****ing riot! 
Jose is definitely a prick. i'm not sure if he does it because that's really how he is or if he just plays up the angle because it's exactly what's made him one of the biggest managers in the world. it was clear when Hughes put his hands on him and apparently told him to **** off earlier in the match that Jose was mad. regardless it's upsetting as a fan of the team to see our gaffer behaving like that.
here's an interesting one, Klopp vs Rogers.
i saw somebody mention something on Twitter about how much a little charisma can hide. definitely true.