Originally Posted by The Batlord
Trollheart: I'm doing a thing and I decided to do it this way.
Everyone else: Bro, it would be way better if you did it this way.
Trollheart: Well I'm already on the mental wavelength of doing it the other way and it would be terrifying to do anything else at this point.
Everyone else: wut
Translation: Batty, **** off. It's my thread, my idea, my work, and I'll do it as I see fit.
Originally Posted by Frownland
¿Porque no los dos, TH?
Use RYM for the good releases that actually reflect modern music and use wiki for all the releases from the has beens and mainstream radio chart toppers.
We'll see how it goes. Maybe at the end of each month I'll look over the RYM. Maybe it won't work out this way, but I want to try it anyway. Thanks for the suggestions. We'll see how many albums this ends up being, how many I use my get-out clauses on, and if I'm still alive at the end of the thing.