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Old 08-31-2017, 12:36 PM   #20122 (permalink)
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Husbands & Wives (Woody Allen, 1992)

It's not the first time I've mentioned his movies in here, so it's no secret that I'm very into them. I intend to watch all 50+ films, shorts and segments he's made and so far, at more than halfways through, I have yet to watch one that I didn't like at least a little.

Husbands & Wives is pretty much Allen doing what he does best. It's pretty much what you expect from him: A bunch of middle aged New Yorkers talking about relationships and exhibiting various human flaws, going through various relationship shakeups, midlife crises and other things that life throws at you. I'm a sucker for the dialogue in these movies and this one really had some interesting characters.

It's going to be a hard sell for anyone who dislikes Allen (as many do), because it's exactly what you would expect in every way.
I'd say it's one of his better films.
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