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Thread: Name That Movie
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Old 08-28-2017, 04:28 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
A help thread for people who can't quite recall the name of a movie.

So I was eating a gyro like a minute ago, when I randomly remembered a movie that I watched a few years back. It was about an out of work ronin that visits the local daimyo and asks him to witness his suicide. The daimyo feels bad for him, and gives him some money to help him support his family. After that, another downtrodden ronin shows up and also asks to commit suicide in the daimyo's presence, hoping that he'll get money as well. Instead, the daimyo is convinced by his advisers to not give the ronin money, but to instead accept the ronin's honorable suicide, to deter future visitors from trying to get free money from him. The ronin, who was so poor that he wore a sword made of bamboo on his side, is pressured into committing seppuku with his blunt weapon. And then I think some badass dude shows up and goes Samurai Warriors on the daimyo's ass. Anybody know what movie I'm talking about?
Sadly, no, but it's really frustrating because I feel like some of what you describe seems familiar. I used to watch a lot of these cheap asian movies that made it to Danish bargain bins. Some of them were really good. The label was called Asian Vision or something. Especially the detail about the samurai only having a wooden sword rings a tiny bell in the back of my brain.

Samurai Warriors is awesome, btw.
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