Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
This guys back catalogue is HUGE.
That's the case with most jazz musicians (although Sun Ra is indeed one of the larger perpetrators). If you want help sorting through everything, I'd pick up the Penguin Guide to Jazz (the 7th edition is the newest). It's like a Leonard Maltin guide, but for jazz CDs. It only includes CDs that are in print (or that were in print, as of the writing), specifically only the ones that are in print in Great Britain, fortuneately for you. It's about $25 here, but it's thick, and definitely a worthwhile purchase.
P.S. If you take a serious interest in jazz, it's practically never a good idea to buy compilations that aren't complete (i.e. Complete Bitches Brew Sessions, Complete Verve Recordings, etc.). With the catalogues that many of the musicians have, they could often have ten CD's of Grade-A, "Greatest Hits" worthy music, and if you buy enough, a one-disc compilation will just become a waste of money.