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Old 08-24-2017, 10:49 PM   #5182 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
TFW clickbait thumbnails have Game of Thrones spoilers. As if they weren't cancer enough.
15 pimped out geek cars you have to see if you're a comic book reading loser like you are you loser bitch oh you're still reading this well hello there I'm the copywriter I hope that you click this **** but I also kind of don't because I know that it's hopeless to cater to you when you won't actually buy anything but you'll click on my ad anyways and it will help my ad in some ways but not in others and you won't even read past the last ten words of this run on paragraph if I start talking about random **** like how you only have to drink a bunch of beer and make lots of money and find really attractive things just lying on the street that you can have for your benefit and you can just autofill your credit card information and you can have YOUR BRAND NEW MANSION VALUED AT TWENTY FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS BUT YOU CAN GET IT FOR ONLY FIVE MILLION CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO CASH IN ON THIS LUCRATIVE DEAL

Click on Christina Hendricks's tits to proceed
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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