My Health - Started 8/17/2017
Gonna keep a journal of how this all plays out. I'll add dates to all entries. Some of this is going to get very personal and maybe even gross, so everything will be in spoiler mode.
Click at your own risk.
Spoiler for 8/17/2017:
So as many of you know I've lost a ridiculous amount of weight in the last two months. Normally, (I'm 5'-9") I'd hover between 165 and 170. I lost my appetite because of a med issue, but once the med issue was fixed I still wasn't eating anywhere near normal. Finally make a doc appt.
Fully clothed and with shoes on I weighed 133 on their scale. That's 1/5th of my body - gone. My doc was shocked.
I've been eating a bit better the last week but stil can't put on any weight. I have a full body CT scan next Wednesday. In the past 3 days I've gotten calls reffering me to a urologist and a prostate specialist.
I'm on Sharp which has an awesome website where you have access to everything that's in their system. They took 6 viles of blood during that last visit and the results suck. Hemoglobin way too low. White blood cell count too low. Liver enzymes way too high. PSA number too high. Etc.
All signs point to the dreaded C word at this point. My doc says the most likely culprits based on what he's seen so far would be liver, prostate, or pancreas.
Mike says that as long as I start drinking carrot juice I'll be just fine.  God love that kid.
Both Linda and Sherri want 100% full disclosure. Linda is taking a day off - we can't afford it - to go with me for the CT scan.
“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
Last edited by Chula Vista; 08-17-2017 at 10:37 PM.