Originally Posted by Qwertyy
well i mean the war on drugs and the prison system in general is a big issue here but obviously the topic is a lot more relevant in low income areas which sticks to my point about keeping you poor rather than making you poor.
But but
Originally Posted by Frownland
but but white privilege in America (that's what we're talking about, right?) means that your parents are more likely to be well off if you're white because white people have not had centuries of racism keeping their parents and their parents before them from getting to a good financial place that their children could expound on.
Redefining that situation as "well I'd rather be a middle class black kid than a poor white one" misses the wider context that informs affirmative action laws or whatever the hell this conversation started from. That's not to mention that racism in the sense we're discussing doesn't immediately invalidate the struggle of poorer whites. I don't get the logic behind that at all tbh.