Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
I'm being attacked by Elph, you know the guy who pretends he knows what he's talking about while you and Paedantic do all the leg work. Or Frownland says that people that don't follow this gender identity rule are harry ****s. But I guess they are going to talk **** regardless.
When did gender become defined by social behavior rather than your sex? Not denying it is, looked it up, but still. Because they are both synonyms. And isn't that just reinforcing stereotypes? That's what I don't get most. Like, we're conditioned to believe that a gender/sex is supposed to act a certain way, some people that feel as though they don't fit into that gender box but feel as though they fit into a different gender box start identifying as a different gender and even go as far as to mutilate their genitals just to fit a social construct that is forced on us. Of course that CAN'T be the only reason for people to transition, but they it constantly gets put on me seems that way. Shouldn't it be pushed that your sex shouldn't define your behavior rather than having people transition to fit our boxes?
I'M not attacking you. I'm just asking that you put aside your assumptions until you research the subject more. I don't feel the need to have any particular opinion which is why I don't, but if you do feel the need to publish an opinion then don't you think you should really immerse yourself before going off on a tangent? Otherwise doesn't it make sense to just say, "I don't know, so carry on"?