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Old 08-13-2017, 02:47 PM   #1031 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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I haven't noticed anyone "attacking" you, Lucem. You also keep using the word "gender" instead of sex when talking about one's biological sex/reproductive organs. One's biological sex is comprised of multiple things (beyond one's external genitalia), things which you can't necessarily know by glancing at a person. And regarding your question.. That has already been answered multiple times. It is right there in the dictionary. Gender = the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits and characteristics commonly associated with one's sex.

And yes, like you said, there are people who consider themselves non-binary and don't particularly identify with one gender or the other. I'm biologically female, and I more or less identify with the female gender, but I know that a great deal of those traditionally-feminine/traditionally female traits (which vary depending on the culture you grow up in) I identify with are ingrained in me due to constant social conditioning that began in childhood.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Kinda the same I guess, but kinda the opposite too. I'm often super reserved at first so I doubt that I make any kind of impression whatsoever, then I'll slowly warm up but still be boring until I reach a kind of critical mass and then The Batlord comes out and nobody can understand how I can be 30-years-old and such a childish twat with no mouth filter. By that point either the person/people can't stand me or I'm sort of like a really irritating little brother they affectionately put up with but still never invite to parties. Never had the experience of a woman telling me I won them over though. Kinda hard to be seen as a sexual object when all you do is deliver corny and/or mean spirited one liners and constantly come up with new ways to confuse and annoy people. You have no idea how many times people have looked at me like an alien when I told them how old I was.
:c Do you come across quite differently in person than you do on here? I feel it's just about impossible to mesh well with people (romantically or otherwise) in the long run if they don't have the same sense of humor/aren't on precisely the same strange wavelength. If they don't at least share the same sense of humor--unpleasant as it may be to others-- it likely isn't worth it anyway.
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