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Old 08-13-2017, 01:43 PM   #10 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
Places of employment grow on trees. Nobody has running costs or loans to pay back or has to put in the work of hiring, delegating, managing and general upkeep. They just have a place that employs people and intentionally pays them so they can keep their money.
I see you admit to having made a straw man, but I'll gladly reply to it.

State-run enterprises and workers' cooperatives are perfectly capable of employing people without enriching owners. Both of these exist and are perfectly productive.

Management is legitimate work - simply a necessary role in production - but it can be done for an average wage. However, owners who take out profit are not necessary in production. Many personal fortunes are made from people who simply inherit money or own stocks and shares while they get rich on other people's work, or own companies without participating in neither work nor management.

(At this point I suggest moving the discussion to the "let's talk about capitalism" thread, so as to not derail the conversation)
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