Originally Posted by elphenor
I still don't think this is historically accurate
The Republican party was formed off of resistance to slavery (Missouri Compromise specifically) in combination with the Free Soil party which was entirely a one issue abolitionist party
The only thing that's true is that the North became disgusted with slavery before the south only because they no longer depended on it
The South likes to try and save face with all sorts of obfuscation of history in this department
As an anarchist it's your duty to embrace the most scathing version of American history available. You're regurgitating **** they fed you in high school. If America someday abandons the private automobile you'd read the history like there was a sincere environmental movement that's really at the core of America. After that **** went down in Haiti, whitey got scared. You can play it off like whites started to question the morality of slavery but it's not true. White people didn't start to see blacks as human on any scale until after reconstruction. The rest is a ****ing fairy tale.