02-09-2006, 04:39 PM
#24 (permalink)
Back In Black
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Inside Every Lyric Of Young Spunk
Posts: 520
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I just find it funny that these people who hate the west so much choose to live here.
We have free speech , if we want to take the piss out of a religion we can.
If you don`t like it go live in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia or somewhere else with appalling human rights records.
GOD this just reminded me of something a few weeks ago.
I was at work when some muslim guy comes storming in knocking everything over demanding compensation because his kettle he bought, the light didnt come on when he flicked the button. (I wouldnt mind but our shop refunds or exchanges the bloddy thing with no hassle if you've got the reciept).
At which point assistant asks him to keep his voice down or he will not be served, to which he then accuses us all of being racist bastards. I ignored him, but then he says something along the lines of "this stupid country" etc..And thats when i lose my temper.
"look mate, that thing in your hand is a EUROPEAN passport, you don't have to come here if things are so great in your country, and theres about 30 or so other countrys you can visit with your passport, so if you dont like it, you know what you can do".
It annoys me enough when English people moan about the state of this country, but when some little foreigner comes over here and says how it's not as good as their precious country.....GO ****ING BACK THEN, GET BLOWN TO F'ING PIECES AND REVERT TO BEING A MOSOGONYST, YE ****ING ****
Originally Posted by Reddevil4lyf
well hav u guys heard any of der otha songs like wait a mnute,i dont need a man and tainted love?
coz der preety gd u no!!!
Ladies And Gentlemen, 'Chav' Has Become A Written Art.