at least once a month i would get into a minor accdent with my friend... he went through 2 different car's but was a bad driver in the sence he could drive really well if he paid attention.. but hey he just says i'mn bad luck cause it only happened with me in the car.. but i like to think i'm just distracting

anyways the worse one was we were parking and there was a big Van there... and his little honda just went right under it... it scared me only because we were looking at each other talking then bang there was the van sitting on top of the hood of his car.. it was funny... but it could have been worse.. they all could have been..lucky him there was only minor body damage... but after so many of them his car looked like crap... so he just got mommy to buy him a honda lud... brat.. !! anyways
just before chirstmas me and my girl friends were going to st.johns for the day.. and well winter time you can't say much for good driving in newfoundland.. so we hit a rainy and misty part and we highdroad planed and almost went off the hightway... it was scary as hell.. the three of us thought we were going to die.. make the worse of it i think there was a bridge right ahead.. we could have went right in the water..
yea thats it..