Originally Posted by neo1
no, i said kerry will do a worse job than bush. bush is not a war monger, with the intelligence he had, he made the best decision. think about it, if saddam had attacked, whose ass would have gotten in trouble? bush. he had intelligence telling him saddam was capable, and knowing the extreme views he has, bush decided to take action. i am 16 years old, and i pay attention to current events all the time. and ya, war is not a pretty thing, obviously. but, what u wont hear from the media is the fact that more lives have statistically been saved by this war so far, then would have been killed had saddam still been in power.
lol wow i just read this thread and i cant believe there are ppl as ignorant and stupid as u r. well actually now that i think about it, there must be a lot of ppl like u in order to get an equally ignorant moron like bush elected