Music Banter - View Single Post - 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die- Music Banter Edition
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Old 07-18-2017, 04:38 PM   #344 (permalink)
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166, 167 or however long the list is now:
Christian Mistress - Possession
2012 - Heavy Metal

The second album from US heavy metal band Christian Mistress. The vibe of this band in general is very proto-metal/classic rock, but it doesn't sound like tired 70's retreads at all. There's a lot elements of newer metal bands to trace in their sound if you listen carefully. This particular album sometimes reminds me of the first album from Megadeth.

The production style and sound quality of this album is absolutely amazing! The songs are very memorable and very well written, there's great riffs all over the album, lively drums and some very soulful vocals from frontwoman Christine Davis.

The songs Haunted Hunted and There is Nowhere are good enough that I'm convinced they would be part of the metal canon by now if only they'd been from an older era. 2012 may be too late for this style of music, but I say an album should be judged on the merits of the music, not on the context of the music scene it was released in.

I don't know what else to say, really. I love this album. The songs are all good, the album sounds great, the singer is soulful and so is the guitar playing. A truly memorable album with great cover artwork to boot. It should definitely be in the top 1001 in my opinion.
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