I've seen this video before and completely debunked what Shapiro said in it. Let me see if I could pull this up.
The problem with this video is that he left statistics out of the equations. Now a critical thinker, like myself, when I hear that twice as many white people have been killed by cops than black people I realize that there are much more than twice as many white people than black in this country. There are 5X the amount of white people than black people in this country so he lied in this video. Black people are being killed at 3X the rate that white people are. Those are the facts and statistics. Then there is the statistic on how likely you are to be suspected of criminal activity based on skin color, which conveniently isn't considered a factor in that video when it should be. You're much more likely to be convicted if you are already thought of as a criminal. I don't think that statistic exists, though. Oh, and he forgot that black people are statistically getting harsher sentences for the same crimes. That in it's self shows that there is racism in this country.
I was much more passionate about things back then, I don't know what happened.
But as for the question, it's a huge slippery slope. I get the idea but at the end of the day it usually ends up being discrimination. Whether police are told to investigate certain races over others because of a statistic or when some races get better scholarships over others to try and balance out statistics. It's going to be unfair. In business, I can get a little more though. The example you gave was kind of ****ty but I think if certain products sell better with certain groups I understand why they advertise to them.