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Old 07-13-2017, 02:38 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I was talking about this sort of thing with a friend the other day. As a young male, I have to pay much more for auto insurance than she does as a female the same age. The reason is obvious: boys cause more car accidents than girls.

Is that sexist? I don't think so, since it's based on hard facts. It does raise two interesting "slippery slope" questions, however.

1. What about someone who identifies as non-binary? Which rate do they pay? If it's the gender with which they identify, I might have to tell the Ministry of Transportation I identify as female and save some cash.
2. What if statistics showed that, say, blacks were more likely to cause car accidents than whites? Would insurance companies be allowed to charge a "black rate"? Obviously not. So where is the line drawn?
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