Originally Posted by eric generic
Sorry about that Trollheart.
My longtime cat was taken with a recurring urinary tract blockage, it would go on the box and just writhe in agony.
Ah that's terrible.

Ritchie had one of those, but they were able to operate on him and he was right as rain afterwards, though I had to buy him a special catfood that he was on for the rest of his life. I'm a bloody expert in UTIs now since my sister tends to get them so often. Seem to be hella painful. Hope you didn't leave it too long before ending his pain, which I'm sure you didn't.
Isn't it really annoying when the sun is shining but there are black clouds of sorrow in your heart? You kind of want it to be raining, as if the weather is in sympathy with you. Same when you go to a funeral and it's sunny - where the hell is the pouring rain I was promised??