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Thread: Canada 150
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Old 07-07-2017, 08:45 PM   #18 (permalink)
RL Clown
Music Addict
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10 reasons why I enjoy being a Canadian:

1. Hockey is a religion in Canada.
2. Canada has some of the best musicians ever.
3. Poutine (Awesome food from Quebec)
4. Canadians have universal health care.
5. Canada has a lot of trees (more trees = less pollution)
6. Canada has gun control.
7. Canadians are nice but they know how to defend themselves.
8. Canadian women are SO HOT!!!
9. Bilingualism is good for the brain. (Oui, c'est vrai!)
10. Canada sets an example for other countries... Canada helps other countries (To clarify my point: Canada gives food to other countries.)
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