I worked in record and music stores for about 8 years - Needless to say, I got A LOT of free CD's. I became very used to not paying for my music. So, when I stopped working at those places, I started downloading. I still buy my music (whether it's from a CD store, or from iTunes), but I do download a good majority through file-sharing (mainly Limewire).
At it's core, downloading is illegal - which essentially makes it wrong. But, do I feel guilty? Hell no! I don't feel bad for for the artists, and I certainly do not feel bad for the labels.
Artists get paid good money when they make a record deal (assuming its a good deal) with the label(s), and from shows / performances / appearances. Labels make tons of money not only from CD sales, but also from licensing rights, appearances, videos, etc.
And take a look at who's shouting from the rooftops and complaining the most about downloading and/or file-sharing? It's usually the big labels (BMG, Sony, etc) and the big bands / artists (Metallica, Dr. Dre, etc) In other words, the people who are at the top, and want to stay there.
On the other hand, artists who are trying to get to where the "big boys" already are, want one thing first and foremost… They want people to listen to their music - That's it. Which is why, in many cases, artists are willing to give it away for free - and don't usually give a sh*t if people share.
And why should anyone trust the record labels? They rape the independent music retailers (who are the ones that got them to where there are now), while catering to the "big box" stores who sell their products at a loss in hopes that the music consumer will also buy a big-screen TV from them? Not only that, but as we now know, they secretly embedded anti-piracy software without telling the buying public, in hopes of nabbing the "evil" music-sharers… which makes no sense, since in most cases, it also happened to be the same person that just put $20 into their pockets.
If you ask me, it's yet another case of corporate hypocrisy.
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start… Just because we use cheats, doesn't mean we're not smart.