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Old 06-18-2017, 04:04 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dylstew View Post
I love it when the growls and fry/falsechord screams are mixed with (raspy) singing and regular shouting, but not in the good cop bad cop way. Then I get the heaviness but also actually memorable vocals. Or at least id like the screams change around sometimes like in Gojira and everytime I die.

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I should probably make it clear that I like some bands that have metal growls/screeching/etc. It's just that these days, I find 99.99% of all band that do that to be very dull. Most vocalists do it so poorly that it gets old really damn fast!
Arkona, Nile, Dir En Grey... and maybe a few others on a good day. These are the only bands from which I accept and even enjoy that sort of vocal these days. I feel conflicted about BeĀ“Lakor (Australian melodeath) because their music is so nice... while their cookie monster vocalist is just boring and even a bit silly to listen to. I kind of want to find music where I don't have to tune part of it out to enjoy it.

Masha (Arkona) and Kyo (Dir En Grey) are probably the only extreme vocalists that I really, truly respect and admire. Mike Patton dabbles in screams and other histrionics too on a very rare occasion and he gets a pass as well.
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