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Old 06-16-2017, 08:54 PM   #21 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Hey, I never posted in this...

Technically I fell in love with Jazz when I was twelve and went to go see Fantasia 2000. This is really the only thing I remember from the film and it also sparked my fascination with cities, New York to be precise. This twelve minute animation kind of changed my life in many ways.

It really wasn't until I was fourteen when I heard Kind of Blue that I REALLY started to dive into Jazz. They album is still one of my favorite of all time. Top five for always.

One thing I can't actually share with a video is an old man who is most likely dead who was playing the trumpet and singing at a restaurant we went to for Christmas when I was about eight. I couldn't stop watching the dude. He was solo and just charmed the hell out of the room and eight year old me. my mom had to remind me that we were having dinner together and to try to join in the conversation. That man made a lasting impression on me.

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